
The practice of Impossibilistics requires that you first believe that whatever you're trying to do is impossible and abandoning all hope of success. You must be convinced that all is futile, a waste of time and effort. This is the mental preparation for all that follows.

Now try to visualize the impossible thing. This will, ideally, be impossible. Try to visualize the conditions that would be necessary for the impossible thing to be possible. If you're really good at it, the "real" world will be dramatically changed in order to accommodate your impossibility.

Following that you should try to visualize why the impossible thing is impossible. How would the development of this reality have to change and at what points in order for your impossibility to become at least possibly possible? Was there ever a point in the development of this reality that some different course of development could have made your impossibility possible?

Can the current reality be modified to the extent that your impossibility becomes possible? What would have to change and what other effects would the change have. Would the current reality still be possible? Can the changes necessary to make your impossibility possible even co-exist with the current reality? For more on this, Click Here.

I thought of something completely impossible today but it's impossible to explain. It's just as well, it had to do with a Big Bang that exploded in the wrong direction. I can leave a clue however, check this.

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